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Courage: The Brave Unnoticed

By Chantale Denis

July 4, 2018

What does courage mean to you?

Courage is needed. Sometimes a lot and sometimes a little, but courage in every form is something to be admired, respected, honored and celebrated. Courage happens in many forms. For example, a child's first day of school, learning to ride a bike or drive, when a veteran, officer or firefighter puts on his uniform or the first day on the job. But, sometimes, courage exists even when we can't see or touch the thing that requires courage. For example, when the heart is broken and sadness becomes agony and one tries to open their heart again; the discouraging decline of health that requires strength to continue; the news of cancer and the hope of a cure; a victim of someone's cruel deference and demeanor and the insight to believe in oneself; the pangs of loneliness that begs to fill it's void or the battle over an addiction to stay clean--all requires courage to press on like a valiant soldier going to war.

Courage sometimes comes in small doses like having the courage to get up in the morning when all hope is lost, the courage to live when one's soul is riddled with despair, courage to take a risk to love again despite having a jagged broken heart, the courage to say I'm sorry, the courage to forgive, the courage to love when one is betrayed by a friend or lover and the courage to believe in one's self when there is nothing, but riddled self-doubt. That's courage too!

Courage may mean different things to different people and there are countless examples of how and when people have courage. But, few would disagree that courage requires guts; an inner bravery to battle to face that what may lurk ahead; strength to keep moving; hope that the outcome will sometime make us whole again; faith that tomorrow will be better; belief in the unknown and much much more --all in order to press on --despite adversity.

Regardless of the situation or circumstance, when one decides to press onward when fear consumes a soul spirit and pain takes it's ugly hold and the unknown lurks, yet--one chooses to keep going--despite the doubts, fears, obstacles or chances--that's courage! I admire, respect and honor that spirit, triumphantly!

According the American Heritage Dictionary, courage is a noun and by definition refers to

"The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery." The etymology of the word is derived from Old FR 'corage' from cuer [coeur] heart, from Latin cor.

In other words, courage is about having a heart and spirit to press onward. Courage is about having strength and trust in the unknown and swallowing that bitter taste of fear. That's bravery!

We celebrate holidays, anniversaries, birthday's, graduations, accomplishments, political winnings, births and we celebrate deaths. But, I can't help wonder why we don't honor and celebrate "Courage" in what we cannot see--when no one is looking, when there is no acclamation and when we are alone to fight a battle of shadow fears, without recognizable rewards, except those that lie deep within our deep inner selves.

When you realized you needed courage, you were able to find it and press on. When you realized someone you know had courage, you admired it. Those are the moments that makes a person stronger. If only other’s realized this! This is the time to share and inspire others!

I encourage you to send me an anonymous note about your experience of courage or someone you admire who had courage.

I welcome hearing your voice.

Having courage is ultimately about being brave. It is my hope that you use the opportunity to share your own experience of courage or about someone else's who you admire for their courage.

Please take a moment to share how you are inspired by courage by filling in the submission form on courage, located on the home page of this site.


Copyright 2018 Chantale Denis, New Beginning Counselling Services


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